2021.03.21 03:27
Virtual dj 4.3 R12 Serial Number
2021.03.21 01:13.Q:
Facebook Graph API Access Token
I want to use Facebook's API in my app, but I can't get the app access token for my app. I've already tried the following:
I got the App access token using my personal Facebook account and the app I want.
I added the App access token to the FB.init function with no luck.
I logged out of my personal Facebook account, logged back in and tried to get the app access token using the Graph Explorer. I was able to get the access token by using the app I used when logging in (see picture below).
Is there any way to get the app access token? I need this for the user to login and I can't use the OAuth Dialog.
I would recommend you to try the NodeJS Facebook API helper from Facebook.
I'm using this helper to post on the users wall.
Install via NPM: npm install facebook
Initialize: const FB = require('facebook');
Start the session: FB.getSession(function(response){
// Do your stuff here:
console.log('facebook-session:', response);
Posts something on a user's wall: FB.get('me/feed', params, function(response){ be359ba680
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